
Beyond Burnout, Second Edition, provides strategies and up-to-date, data-driven information for building hardiness and resilience so that nurses and other healthcare workers can successfully navigate their increasingly challenging environment while reducing stress and preventing burnout.

The reflective activities in this workbook focus on further developing the concepts discussed in the book Beyond Burnout, Second Edition, helping readers apply their own personal set of tools for thriving in their healthcare career.

Business Basics for Nurses is a practical guide that informs and expands thinking for nurses considering or already involved in business.

Nurse Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing explores the enormous risks involved in the stress-fatigue-burnout connection and defines health concerns and practice considerations for how to move the profession forward.
The 2nd edition of Nurse Burnout has been retitled to “Beyond Burnout” with new content to be inclusive of all healthcare workers! In addition, the new companion workbook is also now available — allowing readers to put their new knowledge into action! See the information and purchase links above!